

album coverJIM SMART: Seven Fathoms

His string tinged rock music lets your brain wander the fine line balance between the pain of old timey musicals and the foolish pleasures of acoustic punk rock, with power pop nods to artists like the Kinks, the Decemberists, Wilco, and Nick Drake.

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Guitar and Pen: fighting through the mist


fighting through the mist

It's a strange, depressing, exciting time, worthy of a
long sentence at the start of a Charles Dickens novel.
The album is done, some people have it, and reactions
are favorable. I am trying to figure out how to get it
out to more folks.

What would Charles Dickens do if he had a new CD in
2005? That's the real question.

He'd send it out one song at a time, that's what he'd

Hmm....not a bad idea. Thanks Chuck!


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