

album coverJIM SMART: Seven Fathoms

His string tinged rock music lets your brain wander the fine line balance between the pain of old timey musicals and the foolish pleasures of acoustic punk rock, with power pop nods to artists like the Kinks, the Decemberists, Wilco, and Nick Drake.

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Guitar and Pen: July 2007


The Antipodes

I felt so lucky to travel around Europe with my wife to celebrate twenty years of marriage, I just had to write a song about it. It was written and recorded in a "first thought - best thought" hurry, with me playing all the instruments.

To hear the song, visit my MySpace page:

To hear the song with a video, click on this YouTube link:

To just see the photo albums, click here, and then explore the 4 areas we visited (Tuscany, Northern Italy, the Alps, and Ireland):