

album coverJIM SMART: Seven Fathoms

His string tinged rock music lets your brain wander the fine line balance between the pain of old timey musicals and the foolish pleasures of acoustic punk rock, with power pop nods to artists like the Kinks, the Decemberists, Wilco, and Nick Drake.

Buy the CD
Guitar and Pen: February 2007


PunaRock videos

A bunch of teachers got together to play rock songs for a big crowd at the Punahou Carnival.


NYC Kinks Tribute


I know this is short notice, but I'd like to invite you all to my solo acoustic tribute to the Kinks this month in New York City!

If you're free on President's Weekend, why not hop on over to the Big Apple?
If you include a stop at the 169 Bar on Sunday, February 18,
you'll hear a bunch of Kinks songs performed live in "a candlelit dive bar in the heart of Chinatown."

"169 Bar"
169 East Broadway
NYC 10002

8:30 pm
February 18

Admission for 21 and over $8 @ the door

I think I can get you in cheaper if you send me your name. You'll be on a list at the door. I'm not too sure, since I haven't played at the 169 Bar before.
Proper I.D. is a must. No one with out I.D. will be able to enter. You must be 21 and over.
Lower East Side Productions

I did this two years ago in Boston, and it was a lot of fun. You can read about it here:

