

album coverJIM SMART: Seven Fathoms

His string tinged rock music lets your brain wander the fine line balance between the pain of old timey musicals and the foolish pleasures of acoustic punk rock, with power pop nods to artists like the Kinks, the Decemberists, Wilco, and Nick Drake.

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Guitar and Pen: December 2006


The Cleaners

Back in 1983 I was a goofy freshman at UCSB. I went to college with a surfboard, an electric guitar, and an amp with ugly fuzzy green carpeting on it. My friends and I got a band together and called ourselves the Cleaners. I seem to recall that none of us liked the name, leaving me to wonder why we used it.

Here's our MySpace page:



Wow! Since Decmeber 18, 5,928 people have looked at my little home movie about the Decemberists vs Stephen Colbert! Scary numbers!

Here's the movie: