

album coverJIM SMART: Seven Fathoms

His string tinged rock music lets your brain wander the fine line balance between the pain of old timey musicals and the foolish pleasures of acoustic punk rock, with power pop nods to artists like the Kinks, the Decemberists, Wilco, and Nick Drake.

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Guitar and Pen: September 2005


Learning Logic 7

Dear John,

I have a new recording system that I need to learn: A Mac and Logic 7. I still plan to record mostly "real" instruments on my new songs. The main "artificial" sound I'll want at first is piano, and I'll explore the piano sounds that come with Logic 7 first.

The laptop is a bit of a disadvantage, but there are pros, too. I just learned that when you put the caps lock key down, your computer keyboard becomes a music keyboard. So if I was away from my Roland on the top of a mountain or just on a trip, I could still record ideas, with very little equipment (ie. one good mic, the M-Audio, and my laptop).

My hope is to master Logic 7, but then use it in a subversive, original way. I don't really want my stuff to sound like U2 or Green Day or other new stuff that I enjoy. I'd like it to be a bit old-timey and weird. Different. Have you heard the Decemberists? I'd rather sound somewhat like them, or the White Stripes, or Wilco, things which are not part of the pop universe of the latest wow.

My biggest thing is that I want to avoid letting the click or drum machine set the mood for my songs. The groove and feel needs to come from my basic performance on guitar or piano. It's very easy for me, or you or Simeon, to make up songs and chords to given beats or loops. It's easy for me to lose my focus that way, and make stuff that sounds like every other bedroom dreamer.

That thing you said about color coding so you could sort through many vocal performances was the perfect sort of tip that I'm sure to use. Not only with vocals, but with the live instruments my friends will play on my songs.





Check out the new look at!

The photo was taken by Sierra, age 3, at Camp Treetops in the Adirondacks.


Nine New songs

So I've written a bunch of songs this summer, and some of them are starting to take shape. I recorded the nine ripest ones recently just to see where I stand with them, just me and my acoustic guitar. There were one or two people listening at my studio "The Guitar and Pen", including Bob of the song "Hey Bob". If you wouldn't mind, give them a listen and let me know what you think.

You should be able to access the songs here:

Here are some temporary working titles for the tunes:

01 Life is in A Minor
02 The Uncertainty Principle
03 Facing Dragons
04 Round Lake Round
05 You are my fantasy
06 Little Girl World
07 Find Your Own
08 Can't Stay Here
09 Good Morning Bootsy

My plan is to start learning a new recording system I just bought called Logic, which will take awhile, and get these songs into proper shape. I'd like to use some of the usual suspects on cello, steel, violin, and drums, and make another CD for the world to ignore.


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